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Tienkamp, T.B., Rebernik, T., D’Cruz, R., van Son, R.J.J.H., Wieling, M., Witjes, M.J.H., de Visscher S.A.H.J., Abur, D. (2025), “Articulatory-kinematic Changes in Speech Following Surgical Treatment for Oral or Oralpharyngeal Cancer: A Systematic Review”. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. Read here.


Hao, Y., Amooie, R., de Vries, W., Tienkamp, T.B., van Noord, R.I.K., & Wieling, M. (2024). “Exploring self-supervised speech reprensentations for cross-lingual acoustic-to-articulatory inversion”. Interspeech 2024. Read here.

Halpern, B.M., Tienkamp, T.B., Violeta, L.P., Huang, W.-C., Rebernik, T., de Visscher, S.A.H.J., Witjes, M.J.H., Wieling, M., Abur, D, Toda, T. (2024). “Quantifying the effect of speech pathology on automatic and human speaker verification”. Interspeech 2024. Read here.

Tienkamp, T. B., Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Wieling, M., Abur, D. (2024). “The impact of electromagnetic articulography sensors on the articulatory-acoustic vowel space in speakers with and without parkinson’s disease.” International Seminar on Speech Production 2024. Read here.

Tienkamp, T. B., Rebernik, T., Buurke, R., Polsterer, K., van Son, R. J. J. H., Wieling, M., Witjes, M.J.H., de Visscher, S.A.H.J., Abur, D. (2024). “The effect of speaking style on the articulatory-acoustic vowel space in individuals with tongue cancer before and following surgical treatment.” International Seminar on Speech Production 2024. Read here.

Hoekzema, N., Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T. B., Chaboksavar, S., Ciot, V., Gleichman, A., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., Wieling, M., Abur, D. (2024). “Assessing differences in articulatory-acoustic vowel space in parkinson’s disease by sex and phenotype.” International Seminar on Speech Production 2024. Read here.

Tienkamp, T.B., Rebernik, T., Halpern, B. M., van Son, R.J.J.H., Wieling, M., Witjes, M.J.H., de Visscher, S.A.H.J., Abur, D. (2024) “Quantifying Changes in Articulatory Working Space in Individuals Surgically Treated for Oral Cancer with Electromagnetic Articulography”, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Read here.


Dragicevic, D., Dahl, K., Perkins, Z., Abur, D., Stepp, C.E., (2023) “Effects of a Concurrent Working Memory Task on Speech Acoustics in Parkinson’s disease”, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Read here.

Kapsner-Smith, M., Abur D., Eadie, T., Stepp, C.E. (2023), “Test-Retest Reliability of Behavioral Assays of Feedforward and Feedback Auditory-Motor Control of Voice and Articulation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. In Press. Read here.

Abur D., Hillman, R.E., Stepp, C.E. (2023), “Auditory-motor Function Pre- and Post-therapy in Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders: A Case Series”. Journal of Voice. In Press. Read here.

Miller, H.E., Kearney, E., Nieto-Castonon, A., Falsini, R., Abur, D., Chao, S., Franken, M., Murray, E.H., Mollaei, F., Niziolek, C., Parrell, B., Smith, D.J., Tomassi, N., Stepp, C.E., Guenther, F. (2023), “Don’t Cut Off Your Tail: A Mega-Analysis of Responses to Auditory Perturbation Experiments”, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. In Press. Read here.

Polsterer, K. P. (2023), “Characterising auditory-motor adaptation of vowel production across age”. Master Thesis. Read here.

McLellan, L., Stepp, C.E., Fager, S., Mentis, M., Boucher, A., Abur D., Cler, G. (2023), “Evaluating Camera Mouse as a Computer Access System for Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study”. Assistive Technology. In Press. Read here.

Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T. B., Polsterer, K. M., Hukker, V., Medvedeva, M., van der Ploeg, M., Schepers, I., Sekeres, H. de Vries, W., Abur, D., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., and Wieling, M. (2023), “5-minute formant adaptation task in Dutch children”. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Read here.

Aaron, A., Abur, D. , Volk, K.P. , Noordzij, J.P., Tracy, L. F., Stepp, C.E., (2023) “The relationship between pitch discrimination and fundamental frequency variation: effects of singing status and vocal hyperfunction”, In Press. Read here.

Buckley, D. P., Abur, D., & Stepp, C. E. (2023), Normative Values of Cepstral Peak Prominence Measures in Typical Speakers by Sex, Speech Stimuli, and Software Type Across the Life Span. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. In Press. Read here.

Tienkamp, T., van Son, R. J.J.H., Halpern, B.M., (2023), Objective speech outcomes after surgical treatment for oral cancer: An acoustic analysis of spontaneous speech corpus containing 32.850 tokens, Journal of Communication Disorders. 101, 106292. Read here.

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